assignment 3 - complex tech object


Understanding of Spline Modeling techniques in Cinema 4D.

Understanding and proficiency with Generators in Cinema 4D (Extrude, Loft, Lathe, Sweep)

Understanding and application of theories and topics related to complexity as it relates to formal aspects of scale, shape, space, repetition, and color


  • Conceive of an object that demonstrates an extreme level of comlexity in mechanical form. One that has an intricate level of detail, multiple parts, and some level of theoretical functionality. It is an object, NOT A CHARACTER, ROBOT, OR GUN.
  • Begin with sketches and model using a combination of Cinema 4D Splines and Generators and Polygon Modeling techniques.
  • Create 3D models WITH EFFICIENCY using QUADS (where possible) with good topology (good edge flow, variable density, and contour proximity).
  • Models should be optimized with no holes, no non-manifold geometry, and correct normal directions.
  • Models should use Redshift materials, a Dome light with HDR, additional lights, and have a rendered final version (with Redshift) of the completed object.


  • The focus is to create an object not a character, interior, or landscape
  • You must incorporate Splines and Generators (Lathe, Exrude, Sweep, Loft) and Polygon Modeling (quads).
  • No Sculpting.
  • Any Generators applied must be discussed in class.
  • No Image-based backgrounds, Simulations, Deformers, Array, Volumes, Hair, Particles, Fracture, Etc.
  • NO Star Wars, Star Trek, or other recognizable remakes but new inventions are applicable.


Complete all modeling in Cinema 4D and save .C4D file

Leave all generators separate in object hierarchy.

Render 3 views and save as.TIF files (1920 x 1080)

What to Turn in:

  • You must turn in your C4D file. (If the C4D file is missing on the first submission, 10 points will be deducted before evaluating)
  • Submit render files: TIF format, (1920 x 1080)
  • Place all files in a single folder and name the folder : FirstName_LastName
  • Compress the folder into a single file (ZIP, etc.) and upload to D2L before class on the due date.

What to Submit:

Put into a single folder and COMPRESS:

  • C4D file
  • Texture files used in each material (.jpgs, pngs. psds. etc.)
  • Final Renders (.tif)

Criteria For Grading and Evaluation:

  • skill and aptitude for handling 3D components (objects, generators, lights, materials, cameras)
  • model topology - edge flow, component proximity, variable density, normals,
  • solid, closed, manifold geometry
  • Ambition with idea - ambition with what you set out to do
  • Ambition with effort - level of completion and level of detail
  • Forms - variety, consistency and complexity
  • Positive and Negative space - consideration for consistency, tension, balance
  • Scale - manipulation of object scale
  • Emphasis - equal or unequal in terms of other principles
  • Color and Materials - scheme/harmony
  • Light - use of physical lights, HDR
  • 2D Composition in rendering - compositional harmony and balance of final render
  • Use of Splines and Generators for modeling
  • Use of Polygon modeling techniques
  • Completed all guidelines of assignment based on readings, examples and class discussions
  • Renders completed following instructions and prepared for critique on time
  • Creative and original forms and object conception
  • Creative and original space and layout of design
  • Creatie and original color, materials, light, and output.
50 pts
