Mark Pease: Instructor

Office: Glove Factory 110
Telephone: (618) 453-3260
Office Hours/Informal meeting and availability: Monday and Wednesday, 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Meeting Times and Location:

Monday and Wedesday, 11:00 - 1:50 PM, Pulliam 0163

Course Description:

Studio art course focusing on 3D software for modeling, rendering and visualizing objects and environments. Projects include various 3D modeling methods and rendering techniques. Students will become familiar with various methods for 3D modeling, texturing, lighting and rendering for animation, visualizations, computer games, and cinema.

Course Objectives:

  • Gain proficiencty and familiarity working in a 3D production environment.
  • Gain an understanding and proficiency in the production of 3D geometry and its topology.
  • Gain proficiency producing shading networks for texturing 3D geometry, environments, and other 3D elements.
  • Gain proficiency with 3D rendering set-ups including lights, cameras, preview and final rendering.
  • Gain proficiency with different types of 3D animation.
  • Gain an awareness of different types of 3D artists and designers.


There is no comprehensive text however articles and other links to readings and screenings will be required and provided by the instructor

equipment and materials:

Students will be expected to take notes through out the semester and use a sketchbook, pencils, pens, erasers, etc. for preliminary drawings.

Students will need to provide a dedicated storage device for project files and have devices in class. A minimun 32 GB USB storage drive is required. A secondary storage locations is highly recommended such as Google Drive, OneDrive, etc. for backups. Students will be responsible for backing up and having all files ready at all times.

Some assignments will require color printing. The SoAD lab provides color printing but for outside printing estimate $5 for the semester.

The primary software used in the course will be Maxon Cinema 4D 2025 and Redshift. The SoAD lab will provide licensing for classes and outside worktime. Students may use personal machines for outside worktime but will be responsible for all work either inside or out of class. C4D and Redshift for students can be licensed for a $60 fee. Licneses are good for students for 1 year. Note system minimum system requirements.

Assignment guidelines will require the use of Cinema 4D 2025 and Redshift. Assignments will require rendering image files and submitting C4D files for evaluation.

evaluation methods:

Grades in the course are based on points earned for assignments, quizes, prepatory/working checks, and participation in critiques and discussion

Grades will be assessed according to the outline below:

  • Basic: completion of outlined criteria, meeting objectives, following directions, incorporating class instruction and provided examples.
  • Design: understanding and demonstration of the elements and principles of design as they relate to the assignment
    • Elements of Design
      line, form, shape, space, color, texture, value
    • Principles of Design
      contrast, unity, dominance, balance, rhythm/repetition, movement, pattern, weight
    • 4D Principles of Animation and Motion - ease in, ease out, anticipation, follow-through, arcs, squash and stretch, etc.
  • Craft: Skill and aptitude for handling digital and analog materials and tools. Skill in execution. Proper use of digital components and files as they relate to 3D.
  • Creativity: original, inventive and independent thinking used to solve problems and generate deliberate solutions to assignments with unique styles and ideas.
  • Effort: level of ambition and effort towards the finished result. Amount of time and effort spent inside and outside of class.

Grading scale:

  letter grade equivalent
94-100% A
90-93% A-
87-89% B+
83-86% B
80-82% B-
77-79% C+
73-76% C
70-72% C-
67-69% D+
60-66% D
0-59% F

Late Work:

  • Work must be submitted according to instructor’s guidelines COMPLETED and ON TIME on the due date.
  • Late or unfinished work will lose 10% PER DAY including weekends.
  • 6 days after the due date, late work will not be accepted and earn 0 points.
  • If a student is absent when an assignment is due, they are responsible for submitting the assignment on time.


  • Students are required to attend all regularly scheduled classes. Attendance will be taken.
  • Students may not arrange to leave early or arrive late.
  • Arriving late or leaving early (10+min) equals an absence.
  • An absence will be recorded for not showing up with materials, working on other projects during class, or not working.
  • An absence will be recorded for students working on Facebook, Instagram, email, extended texting, etc.

Absence Policy

  • Students are allotted unexcused 3 absences for the semester. (personal health, personal day, possible exposure to a virus, conflict for another event, etc.)
  • On the 4TH unexcused absence a student’s semester grade will be lowered 1/2 OF A FULL LETTER GRADE and continued to be lowered 1/2 OF A FULL LETTER GRADE for each additional absence.
  • Students are required to keep track of absences and may receive a warning after 3 unexcused absences. Students are required to keep track of unexcused absences.
  • In-class quizzes and progress checks cannot be made up.
  • Participation points for critiques can only be earned on critique days.
  • Absences will be excused only for the following reasons: SIU athletic department sponsored activity, observances of major religious holidays, DSS attendance adjustments (see details below), Student Absence Notification from the Universty, and scheduled medical appointments for the student with written documentation (no health center walkout statements). Students are required to notify the instructor 3 days prior to a scheduled medical appointment for themselves and provide a letter from the medical provider upon return to class.

DSS Accomodations

DSS accomodation details will be on file with the Office of Disability and Support Services and include a set number of additional excused absences, additional times alloted for test taking and assignment due dates. All DSS accomodations will be accepted on dates specified in DSS letters. Students must contact the insructor for details related to DSS Accomodations.

Studio Policies/ Studio Guidelines:

  • All SIUC computer lab policies must be followed
  • NO FOOD in the labs.
  • All SIUC health guidelines must be followed according to the syllabus attachment.
  • Cell phones must be turned OFF during meeting times and will not be answered.
  • No headphones during specified times.

SoAD Lab:

Students must abide by all posted rules when using the SoAD Lab.

SIU Syllabus Attachment

Click here for official Syllabus Attachment

**The instructor reserves the right to modify and/or change the course syllabus as needed during the course.**